Change that Sticks: Implementation Science & Staff Retention
Investing in the people who work in the juvenile justice system is a vital component of system-wide improvement. Learn how juvenile justice professionals are using implementation science, reflective leadership, and other tools to make trauma-informed practices the standard for working with youth in the system.
Fostering Cross-System Collaboration: It Takes All of Us
Experts at every level of the juvenile justice system - from caseworkers and trauma psychiatrists to country judges and state-level decision-makers - weigh in on how to facilitate system-wide change through collaboration and trust, and how to communicate to youth at every step that someone is on their side and won't let them fail.
Introducing: Roadmap for Change
Roadmap for Change dives into the pressing need for transformation within the juvenile justice system—a system that often falls short in meeting the needs of youth. Many of us working in and around the field understand the power of trauma-informed care, but breaking old mindsets and creating true, system-wide change is no easy feat.