This is Roadmap for Change.
Roadmap for Change dives into the pressing need for transformation of the juvenile justice system.
Join us as we examine historical and cultural roadblocks to reform and celebrate stories of progress from communities and jurisdictions working to make a difference.
Through the voices of youth and their families, we explore the changes they believe would truly support healing and growth. Alongside, experts share the latest insights on trauma-informed practices, along with actionable strategies to implement them.
Join us in building a roadmap for change.
Whether you're a lawyer, judge, mental health professional, probation officer, researcher, or policymaker, Roadmap for Change offers inspiration, evidence, and guidance for those committed to building a restorative system for our youth.
Introducing: Roadmap for Change
Trauma & the Juvenile Justice System: Where Do We Go From Here?
Fostering Cross-System Collaboration: It Takes All of Us

Roadmap for Change is created by The Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice (CTRJJ). CTRJJ supports a comprehensive framework for developing, adopting, implementing, and sustaining evidence-based trauma-informed services for youth in, or at risk for, juvenile justice involvement and their families.
Science & Services Spotlights
Learn about the latest research and service innovations in supporting a trauma-informed juvenile justice system.
Our Team
Roadmap for Change
Host & Producer: Amanda Zelechoski, J.D., Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Lead Producer: Victoria Bruick
Audio Engineer: Nihar Gagneja
Recording & Editing: Carmen Vincent
Research & Production Assistants: Emily Brooks, M.S. and Emma Cenzon
Marketing & Production Support: Julia Clausen
Brand and Logo Design: Natasha Brower
Co-Director: Keith Cruise, Ph.D. MLS
Co-Director: Rocio Chang-Angulo, Psy.D.
Co-Director: Julian D. Ford, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Research Assistant: Riley Theriault