Introducing: Roadmap for Change

Introducing Roadmap for Change: Trauma Recovery & Juvenile Justice

Roadmap for Change dives into the pressing need for transformation within the juvenile justice system—a system that often falls short in meeting the needs of youth. Many of us working in and around the field understand the power of trauma-informed care, but breaking old mindsets and creating true, system-wide change is no easy feat.

Join us as we examine historical and cultural roadblocks that challenge reform efforts and celebrate stories of progress from communities and jurisdictions working to make a difference. Through the voices of youth and their families, we explore the changes they believe would truly support healing and growth. Experts share the latest insights on trauma-informed practices, along with actionable strategies and resources for bringing these ideas to life.

Whether you're a lawyer, judge, mental health professional, probation officer, researcher, or policymaker, Roadmap for Change offers inspiration, evidence, and guidance for those committed to building a more supportive, restorative system for our youth. 

Roadmap for Change is a production of the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice. Funding provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Child Traumatic Stress Network.


Trauma and the Juvenile Justice System: Where Do We Go From Here?


17. Trauma and Resilience: How the Helpers Help Themselves